Water purification information

Which is better, RO water or mineral water?

Views : 88488
Update time : 2021-12-20 17:17:30
The answer is: RO water is good, RO pure water is the best choice for drinking water.
RO pure water is made from rivers and lakes, tap water, etc. as water sources, using distillation, electrodialysis, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and other treatment processes. It is through a complex and deep purification process to achieve aseptic purity.
Mineral water is unpolluted underground mineral water that either naturally emerges from deep underground or is exposed artificially. Under normal circumstances, the chemical composition, flow rate, water temperature and other dynamics of mineral water are relatively stable within the natural fluctuation range.
The common point of mineral water and RO pure water is safety and sanitation. The biggest difference is the content of mineral elements. RO pure water removes the various elements in the water to the maximum, only retaining the water molecules. While removing the harmful substances, it also removes the mineral elements; while the mineral water contains some harmful substances and trace elements in the water to a certain extent. Reserve.

There are actually very few trace elements in mineral water. It is unrealistic to supplement minerals through drinking water. Generally, the mineral content of mineral water is 400 micrograms of calcium per 100ml of water, which means that there are 4 mg in 1 liter of water.

According to the residents' dietary guidelines, the recommended intake of calcium is 1000 mg per day, which means that even if you drink mineral water every day, the calcium intake in it only accounts for less than 1% of the total demand, and it can be supplemented by food and fruits. The same goes for other trace elements. So RO pure water is better for drinking.
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